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The Role Prophecy played in Christianity.

Make notes and compare what is read in one chapter with what is found in another even contact the author with your questions. If followed through to the end it can be quite an eye opener.

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There are many prophecies in the Old Testament about the one who was to come. A Promised Messiah, in several of the Books of the Prophets you can read of the One who was to come and save the world from its sins. However while this theme was intertwined with that of the redemption of the world, it was not specifically about what was to become known as The Church. That is what this book is all about.

The first direct statement on or about the Christian Church can be seen in the Book of Daniel, where a prophecy of the nations that were to follow from the Babylonians all the way down to the Romans is found. This is in Daniel Chapter 2 verse 28 – 45. In verse 44 it states with all clarity: “In the days of these kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the Kingdom shall never be left to another people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms and it shall stand forever.” KJV

Now apart from those who believed and expected the fulfillment of these prophecies, who were mostly all of the nation of the Hebrews; the world at large knew nothing about the promised Messiah and the Church He was to set up. The tragedy is that even today with all the availability of media networks of all kinds there are still many folks who know nothing about the Church of the Living God; how it was set up and what its purpose is on earth.

‘So This is Christianity’ seeks to correct this imbalance and bring this knowledge front and center to all the masses. Apart from all those who do not know anything about the Church of the Living God also called ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’, there are many who for their whole lives have been members of one particular denomination or another but for all their attendance in church they know very little more about the Kingdom of Heaven than those who have not been attending any church services. These can also benefit from reading this book.

The Book is a short read; however to gain the most benefit from it you will be expected to treat it as a study course. Make notes and compare what is read in one chapter with what is found in another even contact the author with your questions. If followed through to the end it can be quite an eye opener.

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The Role Prophecy played in Christianity.

Make notes and compare what is read in one chapter with what is found in another even contact the author with your questions. If followed through to the end it can be quite an eye opener.